Support of night-time safety by means of a modular, interoperable and multi-functional AAL-System
Idea By refining an existing modular and multifunctional smart-home system (congeniAAL), a cost effective new AAL system (signAAL) specifically tailored for nighttime use will be created.
Goals The project aims at reliable recognition of abnormal nightly activities in private and institutional settings by
- investigation of alternative sensors,
- increasing objective and subjectively perceived safety of older persons,
- relief of and increased effectiveness of care persons,
- a target group oriented multimodal user interfaces with social communication for use in case of mild dementia,
- connection to existing smart home technologies,
- suitability for care domain by integration of a care documentation solution,
- exploration of relevant legal aspects as well as
- the implementation of an extensive 6-months evaluation in real life setting in order to measure the key success indicators.