Raltec – Research Group for Assisted Living Technologies (Forschungsgruppe für assistive Technologien)
General Information for §25 Abs 5 MedienG
http://www.raltec.at is the website of the Resarch Group for Assisted Living Technologies (raltec)
Verein i.G / ZVR 341820855)
A-1230 Vienna, Drillgasse 2 Haus 4
Email: office@raltec.at
We are registered at the Austrian Data Protection Authority with the number DVR: 4013938
For further information required according to § 5 (1) of Austrian e-Commerce law (in German): Please follow this link.
Target of the Association Initiating and support of applied research in the field of assistive technologies.
Copyright The Resarch Group for Assisted Living Technologies (raltec) owns the copyright for this website. All its contents, information and pictures are protected by copyright. The reproduction of texts (in their entirety or in part) and pictures without our consent is forbidden.
Liability No liability can be taken for the website and homepage being accurate, complete and up-to-date, errors excepted. Anyone using the website does so at his or her own risk, meaning that no one involved in compiling the information may be liable to any liability (direct or indirect) for damages or consequential damage, or that this be restricted to the level most admissible by law. The Resarch Group for Assisted Living Technologies (raltec) is not responsible for the content of external sites.
Technical Implementation Implementation, Layout and Design: raltec, Vienna