Walter Hlauschek

Walter Hlauschek

Walter Hlauschek, is the general manager of raltec. He graduated in Electrical Engineering/Electronics from the Vienna University of Technology, has more than 30 years of professional experience in the field of ICT, especially in the management of ICT organizations and complex projects. As the head of raltec he is concerned with research and development in the field of ICT-based assistive systems for the seniors and people with special needs.


Jagos, H.; Hlauschek, W. et. al. (2013). The Living lab Schwechat as a base for AAL develeopments for the benefit of the ageing society. Presentation held at 5th European AAL-Forum 2013. Norköping, Sweden.

Hlauschek, W.; Wadwa, K.; Werner, K. et. al. (2012). Exit strategy of a large scale AAL related project as a best practice example. In Proceedings of AAL-Forum 2012, ISBN: 978-90-819709-1-4. Eindhoven, the Netherlands.

Werner, K.; Werner, F.; Panek, P.; Hlauschek, W. & Diermaier, J. (2011). eHome-Wohnen mit unterstützender Intelligenz. In Ambient Assisted Living – AAL.

Konstandinidis, E.; Billis, A.; Hlauschek, W.; Panek, P. & Bamidis, P. (2010). Integration of Cognitive and Physical Training in a Smart Home Environment for the Elderly People. Submitted paper to Medinfo 2010, September 12-15, 2010. Cape Town, South Africa.

Oberzaucher, J.; Jagos H.; Zödl, C.; Hlauschek, W. & Zagler W. L. (2010). Using a Wearable Insole Gait Analyzing System for Automated Mobility Assessment for Older People. In Proceedings of 12th ICCHP 2010, Springer Verlag, ISBN 978-3-642-14099-0. Vienna, Austria.

Farkas, A.; Schrenk, M. & Hlauschek, W. (2010). Senior Social Platform – an application aimed to reduce the social and digital isolation of seniors. In Proceedings of REAL CORP 2010, ISBN: 978-39502139-9-7. Vienna, Austria.

Hlauschek W.; Panek, P.; Kolassa, I.-T.; Schlee, W. & Bamidis, P. (2010). Long Lasting Memories – A unified solution for cognitive and physical health and autonomous living for senior citizens. In Proceedings of 3rd German AAL Congress, Januar 26-27, 2010, VDE-Verl., ISBN 978-3-8007-3209-8. Berlin, Germany.

Hlauschek, W. & Panek P. & Zagler W. L. (2009). Involvement of elderly people in RTD for assistive technologies in the Living Lab Schwechat. 1st European AAL-Forum, Sept. 29-Oct 1, Proceedings of the AAL Forum 09 Vienna, ISBN 978-3-902580-07-08. Vienna, Austria.

Hlauschek, W. & Panek P. & Zagler W. L. (2009). Involvement of elderly citizens as potential end users of assistive technologies in the Living Lab Schwechat. In PETRA’09, June 09-13, 2009. Copyright 2009 ACM ISBN 978-1-60558-409-6. Corfu, Greece.

Hlauschek, W. & Panek P. & Zagler W. L. (2009). Participation of citizens as potential endusers in the innovation process for assistive technologies. In Proceedings of REAL CORP 2009, ISBN: 978-39502139-7-3. Vienna, Austria.

Panek, P.; Hlauschek, W.; Clerckx, G.; Mairböck, H. & Zagler, W. L. (2008). Experiences from Developing an Easy-To-Use VoIP Communication Device For and Together with Senior Citizens in the Living Lab Schwechat. IT & Telekom Symposium, 9-10th October 2008. Vienna, Austria.

Hlauschek, W. (2008). Wie kann Automatisierung das Wohnen älterer Menschen unterstützen?. Tagung „intelligente Wohnungen und Gebäude“ des österreichischen Verbands für Elektrotechnik. Wien, Austria.