DI Mag. Katharina Werner
Katharina Werner, holds master degrees in media informatics & informatics management at the Vienna University of Technology. Before joining raltec as a researcher she was in charge of the Institute for Design & Assessment of Technology and of the department for data base systems and artificial intelligence at Vienna University of Technology.
Her main interests and expertises are within in the areas of assistive technologies, user interaction, usability engineering, user‐centred design and participative design methodologies. During her work at the Institute of Rehabilitation and Assistive Living Technologies she aquired broad expertise in planning and conducting user trials involving older people and was working in a wide range of national and international research projects in the field of Ambiend Assisted Living.
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Werner, F.; Krainer, D.; Oberzaucher, J. & Werner, K. (2013). Evaluation of the Acceptance of a Social Assistive Robot for Physical Training Support Together with Older Users and Domain Experts. In Assistive Technology Research Series, Assistive Technology: From Research to Practice, band 33, pp. 137-142, IOS Press.
Werner, F.; Werner, K. & Oberzaucher, J. (2013). Evaluation of the acceptance of a socially assistive robot by older users within the project KSERA. In Lebensqualität im Wandel von Demografie und Technik, VDE Verlag.
Werner K.; Panek P.; Moser-Siegmeth V. (2013). Evaluierung eines Notruf- und Monitoringsystems mit PflegeexpertInnen. In book: Lebensqualität im Wandel von Demografie und Technik, 6. deutscher AAL-Kongress mit Ausstellung, Chapter: Evaluierung eines Notruf- und Monitoringsystems mit PflegeexpertInnen [Evaluation of an Emergency Call and Monitoring System together with Care Experts], Publisher: VDE, pp.5 pages
Hlauschek, W.; Wadwa, K.; Werner, K. et. al. (2012). Exit strategy of a large scale AAL related project as a best practice example. In Proceedings of AAL-Forum 2012, ISBN: 978-90-819709-1-4. Eindhoven, the Netherlands.
Werner, K. & Werner, F. (2012). Tablets for seniors: Bridging the digital divide. In Gerontechnology 11 (2), pp. 208.
Werner, F.; Werner, K. & Oberzaucher, J. (2012). Tablets for Seniors – An Evaluation of a Current Model (iPad). In Ambient Assisted Living, Springer Verlag, pp. 177-184. Heidelberg, Germany.
Werner, K.; Werner, F. & Oberzaucher, J. (2012). Evaluation of human robot interaction factors of a socially assistive robot together with older people. Sixth International Conference on Complex, Intelligent and Software Intensive Systems (CISIS), IEEE Verlag, pp. 455-460.
Werner, F.; Werner, K. & Oberzaucher, J. (2012). Evaluation eines Tablets (iPad) für und mit Senioren. In Technik für ein selbstbestimmtes Leben, VDE Verlag.
Werner, K.; Werner, F.; Panek, P.; Hlauschek, W. & Diermaier, J. (2011). eHome-Wohnen mit unterstützender Intelligenz. In Ambient Assisted Living – AAL.
Oberzaucher J.; Werner K.; Mairböck, Harald P.; Beck, C.; Panek, P.; Hlauschek, W. & Zagler W. L. (2009). A Videophone Prototype System Evaluated by Elderly Users in the Living Lab Schwechat. In A. Holzinger and K. Miesenberger (Eds.): USAB 2009, LNCS 5889, pp. 345–352.
Diermaier, J.; Neyder K.; Werner, F.; Panek, P. & Zagler, W. L. (2008). Distributed Accelerometers as a Main Component in Detecting Activities of Daily Living. In Computers Helping People with Special Needs, Springer Verlag, pp. 1042-1049. Heidelberg, Germany.
Diermaier, J.; Neyder, K.; Werner, F.; Rauhala, M.; Panek, P. & Zagler, W. L. (2007). Wohnen mit Unterstützender Intelligenz. IKT-Forum für und mit Menschen mit Behinderungen: Praxis–Forschung–Entwicklung. Johannes Kepler Universität, Linz, Austria.
Werner, F.; Werner, K. & Oberzaucher, J. (2012). Real-life evaluation of a socially assistive robot. In Gerontechnology 11 (2), pp. 382.
Werner, F. & Werner, K. (2012). Enhancing the social inclusion of seniors by using tablets as a main gateway to the World Wide Web. In Proceedings of REAL CORP 2012, Re-mixing the city – Towards Sustainability and Resilience?, pp. 1-5. Vienna, Austria.